Speakers - WNSC 2024

Sindu Padmanabhan

  • Designation: Psychology Affiliated to Bharathiar University
  • Country: India
  • Title: Telehealth and Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM)


Telehealth and Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) have emerged as integral components of modern healthcare, revolutionized the delivery of patient care, and expanded access to medical services. This abstract explores the transformative impact of telehealth and RPM, examining their applications, benefits, and challenges.

The evolution of telehealth is traced from its inception to its current state, highlighting the role of technology in bridging geographical gaps and improving healthcare accessibility. Telehealth encompasses a spectrum of services, from virtual consultations and telemedicine to remote monitoring of patients with chronic conditions. The abstract delves into how these technologies have become essential tools for healthcare providers, offering timely and efficient care.

Remote Patient Monitoring takes center stage as a proactive approach to managing chronic illnesses and promoting preventive care. The abstract discusses the role of wearable devices, sensors, and smart technology in collecting real-time health data, enabling healthcare professionals to monitor patients remotely. The benefits of RPM include early detection of health issues, reduced hospitalizations, and improved patient engagement in self-care.

The abstract addresses the challenges associated with the widespread adoption of telehealth and RPM, including privacy, data security, and equitable access to technology. It also explores potential solutions and strategies to enhance the effectiveness of telehealth services.

As the healthcare landscape evolves, telehealth and RPM present opportunities to reshape the patient experience and optimize healthcare delivery. The abstract invites further exploration and discussion on the potential of these technologies to improve patient outcomes, enhance care coordination, and contribute to the broader goals of healthcare accessibility and quality.

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