The UK is recognized worldwide as a leader in genomics. The ambition of embedding genomic medicine in the diagnostic pathway requires the involvement of the front-line clinical workforce, known as ‘mainstreaming.’ Our earlier work showed that nurses lack knowledge and confidence in genomics and identified easy-to-follow competencies for mainstreaming (Carpenter-Clawson et al., Frontiers in Genetics, 2023).
Using our competency framework, we developed a 25-week-long postgraduate online course comprising synchronous and asynchronous virtual lectures/tutorials and interaction within the cohort and with instructors. The module contains a “Talking Genetics” unit recognizing that aspects of genetic counseling will become part of the mainstream health service. To enhance genomic literacy, the course includes “Cancer Genetic/Genomics,” “Rare and Inherited Conditions,” and “Pharmacogenetics” units. Key genetic/genomic concepts are illustrated via practice-relevant genetic conditions linked to tailored communication and appreciation of the rights of all individuals to make their own informed decisions and voluntary actions.
Three cohorts of nurses (n=122) completed this new module between 2019-2022. The impact on their competence and confidence in delivering genomics as part of routine care immediately and 12 months after completion was evaluated using the Kirkpatrick four-level training model. Professionals were surveyed and data analyzed using parametric/non-parametric statistical tools, and thematic analysis. Our data (n=91; 75% response rate) indicate significant increase in confidence from score 2 to 4 measured on a 5-point Likert scale (1“Low confidence”; 5 “High confidence”) in all 13 competency areas after completion of the course; learners reported behavioral change, application of the newly gained skills to practice and service improvements through the development of, for example new nurse-led BRCA and Lynch services; several of our learners took up new roles, responsibilities to deliver genomic services.
This is the first competency-based, fully evaluated genomic course for the frontline workforce that has clear positive impacts on learners and services.