Nursing is a scholarly discipline built on the bedrock of science and art. It is a ‘lighthouse of care’ through the nursing system, education, and practice. Nursing education is a combination of academic and real-life learning experiences. A nurse educator is a beneficiary and benefactor of knowledge and professional judgments, skills, values, and attitudes, which is competency. Several Western studies have documented that nurse educators’ competency is a complex integration of role-specific, generic, and behavioral competencies. These competencies are integral to improving quality outcomes; however, very limited research on the competencies of nurse educators in India has been conducted. Hence, this paper humbly fills the gap as it purposely defines the core competencies of nurse educators in the country.
A descriptive mixed-methods design, specifically the convergent parallel design, was conducted in two (2) government institutions and thirteen (13) private institutions in India's three (3) geographical zones. The information was obtained through an adapted core competency survey questionnaire from 240 nursing faculty and 125 master’s students and an in-depth interview with 21 vice principals, principals, and chief nursing directors. The data underwent a dualistic technique of inductive and deductive thematic analysis.
The nurse educator core competency framework unfolded in this study is: manage and engage with and for students learning; facilitate effective holistic learners development; sustain competency and outcome-integrated curriculum effectiveness; motivate and strive for life-long professional development and quality improvement; strengthen leadership development and succession planning; foster a culture of research and scientific inquiry; and empower nurse educators for respectful inter-personal and inter-professional healthcare. These competencies will strengthen the uniqueness of competent nurse educators who can be considered ideal nurses, educators, and leaders towards a more effective operation of nursing education, practice, and health care.
Keywords: nurse educators, nursing education, core competencies