Background: The quality of nursing work life plays a crucial role in shaping nurses' overall well-being and professional satisfaction and in delivering high-quality patient care.
Objective: The aim is to evaluate nursing work-life quality and its aspects, along with demographic and work factors as predictors, in the Eastern Region of Saudi Arabia.
Methods: The Brook’s Quality of Nursing Work Life Survey (QNWL) was administered to nurses working in hospitals in Eastern regions of Saudi Arabia. Multiple regression analyses investigated how various dimensions of the QNWL and work-related and demographic factors influence the overall quality of nursing work life and its individual dimensions. Univariate ANOVA explored differences between groups for demographic and work-related variables regarding QNWL. Multiple regression explored the effect of work-related and demographic variables on overall QNWL and its underlying single dimensions.
Results: A total of 251 nurses participated. The total mean scores’ of QNWL was 172.12 (SD = 27.37), which indicates a moderate QNWL. Most nurses demonstrated moderate total QNWL levels (65.3%), moderate satisfaction with home life/work life (70.9%), work design (73.7%), and work world (55.4%), and high satisfaction with work context (67.7%). Overall QNWL regression model was significant (p0.05).
Conclusion: Nurses in Saudi Arabia face challenges with QNWL. This study's results call on nursing policymakers and institutional heads to create robust strategies addressing these issues by improving workplace conditions. This will elevate care quality, staff numbers, and retention in healthcare. Keywords: Quality of nursing working life, Quality of life, nurses, nursing practice, Saudi Nursing, nursing retention, nursing satisfaction.