Workplace violence is a growing concern across many disciplines. The prevalence of this harmful interaction is counterproductive and leaves a lasting impact on the participants. Workplace interaction that involves some form of violence may not always be bullying or lateral violence. It can stem from the interplay of stressors and coping skills of the individual. A systematic review of the literature was performed to assess the effect of stressors and coping skills on the individual and to evaluate if uncivil exchanges at work arise from intent to cause harm or from the lack of self-awareness and inability to cope with stress.
Method: Nine databases were utilized to search for articles that address bullying, lateral violence, stress, aggressive behavior, workplace discord, and triggers. This search was expanded to include coping, violence prevention, and self-de-escalation. The investigation was not limited to articles but included published books on these subjects and personal communication from individuals that reported experiencing workplace violence. The search yielded several thousand articles and dozens of books on the subject. To control for the volume of published works, inclusion criteria were set up, and the scope narrowed to works dealing with aggressive behavior, coping styles while under stress, and personal de-escalation.
Results: Opinions on what causes workplace violence are varied among researchers, as are the definitions of bullying. One clear finding is that stress levels in the workplace play a role in discord between co-workers, as does the individual’s ability to manage the stress of the work depending on their individual coping skills.
Bullying is a systematic and intentional action designed to harm another, extending over time and without a correlation to the stress experienced by the perpetrator. Lateral violence and aggressive behavior result from the interplay of stressors with individual coping styles and skill sets. Discord arises from acute stress in the absence of coping and resiliency.
Conclusion: There are three degrees to this: 3rd degree (stress-induced, loss of self-control); 2nd degree (stress response related to fear or inadequate skill set); and 1st degree (evolves to exert control over themselves and others). Workplace discords will always occur. The degree of the impact on the perpetrator and the victim can be mitigated with increased self-awareness of one’s own action and through personal de-escalation.