Background: Depressive symptoms are a severe public health issue among older adults, which is the second leading cause of disease burden among this cohort group. Therefore, the present study purposed to evaluate depressive symptoms and quality of life among Jordanian older adults and factors correlating with the quality of life and depressive symptoms.
Methods: A cross-sectional design was adopted to conduct this study. A convenience sample (N=301) was selected to recruit community-dwelling older adults in Amman governorate/Jordan. Data were collected using a questionnaire consisting of the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) and the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-BREF-26), in addition to demographic data. The data were collected from August to November 2022.
Findings: The results demonstrated that the mean (SD) age of older adults was 66.8 (6.9) years and 52.5% of participants were females. Also, 53.8% of the participants experienced moderate to severe depressive symptoms, and the total mean (SD) score for depression was 8.52 on a scale of 0 to 15, and the mean (SD) for the quality of life scale was 12.0 (3.81) on a scale of 4 to 20. Significant differences existed in quality of life and depressive symptoms due to marital status (p< 0.001), level of education (p <0.001), working status (p<0.01), monthly income (p < 0.001), and number of chronic diseases (p < 0.01). Concerning correlation, the results revealed that a negative correlation existed between the quality of life and depressive symptoms. Also, the participants who reported a higher quality of life and lower depressive symptoms were married and working, completed higher educational levels, had higher monthly income, and experienced one chronic disease.
Conclusion: Interventions to enhance the quality of life and minimize depressive symptoms among older adults should be promoted and given attention to the significant correlated demographic factors.
Keywords: Depressive symptoms; Older adults; Quality of life; Sociodemographic factors