“When we asked nurses for help because we didn’t think mom was safe to be home alone, all we got was that she was “medically” fine and a list of home care agencies to call. As a daughter, I was frustrated at the lack of accountability across the entire system. As a nurse, I was appalled at the lack of critical thinking and sense I got that it was always someone else’s responsibility. It is time to reform health care, and the nursing profession, and that reform has to come from the top.”
These words, written by a prominent nursing leader, lead to countless questions about Education and Socialization. How did we reach this critical moment in our professional development? Is it related to the ongoing quick educational fix used to prepare nurses?
This presentation will explore this issue. A comparison of the “traditional” generic long-term and the new “modern” 15-month curriculum for the preparation of “Master Nurses” will serve as the foundation that will lead to the development of questions that MUST be answered to disentangle our present circumstances.