scientific Sessions

Disaster Nursing and Crisis Response

Disaster Nursing and Crisis Response lies in providing fast, effective care in the wake of natural disasters, pandemics, and large-scale events, including mass casualties. The 4th Edition World Nursing Science Conference 2025 will address the central functions of the nurse for triage, emergency, and life-friendly interventions in high-risk circumstances (obesity, for example). Discussion topics will include the management of resources, assisting in collaboration with emergency workers, and trauma of the body and mind. During this presentation, attention is focused on the reasons and uses of specialized skills and disaster responder training, and it provides overviews of the future of the disaster nurse in terms of patient safety, reduction in morbidity, community recovery, and community resilience.

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Global Health Nursing
Artificial Intelligence and Technology in Nursing
Emergency and Trauma Nursing
Rehabilitation Nursing
Disaster Nursing and Crisis Response
Pediatric and Neonatal Nursing
Sustainable Healthcare Practices in Nursing
Geriatric and Elderly Care Nursing
Oncology Nursing and Cancer Care
Holistic and Alternative Nursing Care
Nursing Ethics and Legal Aspects
Nursing Leadership and Professional Development
Clinical Nursing Research
Surgical Nursing and Perioperative Care
Healthcare Policy and Advocacy in Nursing
Advanced Nursing Practice
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